Real Estate Group

Chairman’s Message

Welcome on SEGIMO !

For many years now, we give everything to respond to your requests. With our real estate solutions, we are confident you will find the best property.

We could go on and on about our expertise or the rich history of our company, from its inception to date. However, what truly interest us is YOU and how to fulfill your needs.

You are our only focus, andevery day we work for and with you.

Feel free to learn more and discover us throughout those pages. 

I wish you a very pleasant virtual visit on Segimo.

Warm regards,

Georges Sallouk

Our team

A team of skilled professionals at your disposal


Georges Sallouk
Georges Sallouk Président 0848 007 001
Andrew Lo Forte
Andrew Lo Forte Directeur général +41 79 953 64 37
Stephanie Hermann
Stephanie Hermann Directeur adjoint +41 22 794 45 30


Melissa Gendre
Melissa Gendre Comptable +41 22 794 45 30
LORALIE SA Fiduciaire 1003 Lausanne


Bär & Karrer
Bär & Karrer Avocats fiscalistes 1211 Genève 3
Saint Léger avocats
Saint Léger avocats Me C. Fedele 1211 Genève 4


Ruji Sàrl
Ruji Sàrl Webmaster 75007 PARIS
Julia Lavenette
Julia Lavenette Réseaux sociaux 1001 Lausanne
Hunter Robertson
Hunter Robertson Photographe 1205 Genève


Thierry Roux
Thierry Roux Courtier sénior +41 78 817 69 13 +41 22 794 45 30
Bertrand Sechaud
Bertrand Sechaud Courtier Lausanne +41 79 692 55 33 +41 21 317 52 82
Sidney Pauthier
Sidney Pauthier Courtier Genève +41 79 874 01 10 +41 22 794 45 30
Nicolas Dugal
Nicolas Dugal Courtier Genève +41 79 557 85 08 +41 22 794 45 30


Gil Oliveira
Gil Oliveira Dir. prospection +41 79 152 68 56 +41 22 794 45 30
Cathi Steinberg
Cathi Steinberg Propection & mandats +41 22 338 16 46 +41 22 794 45 30
Xochitl Meza
Xochitl Meza Gestion d'immeubles +41 79 930 09 57 +41 22 794 45 30